Kosmos Abyss

Khudus Khalkham Musuo

40 (ish) - Blind - Raen - Pansexual - Malboro


Kosmos is a taller end of the average Au'ra height standing at 7ft 2". His scales are a gleaming white with more than average covering his body. His body is littered in array of scales, evidence of a life of fighting. The types of scars are various, from slashes, to jagged tears to burn scars all varying in age. The most distinctive feature are his eyes which there are no pupils, just two milky white orbs. Kosmos was born blind but his horns are larger and more sensitive than other Au'Ra which allow him to function. He often wears dark glasses or a visor over his eyes so they don't unsettle folk and has learnt to move as if he can see. When he speaks Common Eorzean it is with a thick Hingan accent, His native language being Hingan, although he can also converse in basic Doman and Xaelen.


Kosmos is a polite subdued person to be around. Originally from Hinagashi, with the manners and customs of the country deep routed in his habits. He spent a life time in servitude, used taking his orders and doing what he had to to stay alive. Now he is in Eorzea, a free man and he is struggling currently to discover what was him and what was orders. His last orders were to protect and thus that is what he does.

A bit of the Past

  • Kosmos was born into servitude, taken from his mother at a young age, when he was barely in double digits he was thrown into the fighting pits, expected to be target practice he surprised his masters by holding his own despite the clear lack of sight in his eyes.

  • From there Kosmos was a fighter for other entertainment, he swapped owners a few times, using wit as well as strength to win his battles, consistently underestimated due to his eyes.

  • Eventually a Master bought him recognising he was wasted in a fighting pit, he became security within The Saito Estate, becoming a a trusted slave and protector of their most treasured possessions

  • Events he would only repeat to those he trusts but he escaped that life, inspired by a couple of Eorzeans slaves he was once ordered to protect. A year ago he travelled west he found those same Eorzeans who accepted him into their family despite the terrible things he had done to them in his Master's name.

  • Now he takes on mercenary work, living by his Gunblade, fighting and protecting seemed to be his calling and it for now its the only familiar thing for him.

RP Hooks

  • Blind - Kosmos can not see with his eyes, he often hides them with sunglasses or the reflective visor on his mask. He has learnt to tilt his head towards sound, his horns are far more sensitive and can pick up the slightest sounds which help paint the picture of his world.

  • Forgery - Need some documents forging? a New identity building, Kosmos is the face of secretive Forgery Business. How does a blind raen have such excellent penmanship? Good Luck Finding out!

  • Protector - Kosmos is a blade for hire currently, fighting and protecting is his main skill. He is sharp and can form strategies on the fly.

  • Marni - recently he agree to a house guest in his apartment, a young girl who is an apprentice in Gridania and the adoptive daughter of one of the few people he has this world.

  • Eastern Culture - He misses the familiarity, he worships the Kami of the East, and is suffering a little from culture shock now he is in Eorzea.


Vulispa Abyss

One of his Master's most treasured possessions it was his job to look after this girl. She was wild and feral and Kosmos slowly came to admire her unwavering spirit. She also accepted and helped Kosmos set up his new life out west to which she will have his unending gratitude.

Marni Fiejoy

This young Elezen came into his charge, in theory He is the guardian, but Marni looks after him just as much. After being granted a place to start studying conjurey in Gridania arrangements were made for the teenager to come live with Kosmos.

Angela Furkeen

Another of his Master's treasured possessions it was his job to look after. Angela is a kind gentle soul who broke quickly. She is also the one who gave him the name Kosmos as she struggled to pronounce his birth name. While he will always love this girl, he disapproves of her recent actions and no longer contacts other than to drop Marni off for visits.